La riscoperta di un capolavoro. Il Polittico Griffoni

La riscoperta di un capolavoro. Il Polittico Griffoni

Silvana Editoriale 2020
Italian translation of the catalogue by Scriptum

From 19th March 2020 to January 2021 at Palazzo Fava you will see the exhibition dedicated to the Polyptych Griffoni, by Francesco del Cossa and Ercole de ‘Roberti, one of the greatest masterpieces of the Italian Renaissance. Thanks to this exhibition, organized by Genus Bononiae, the work returns to Bologna after 550 years from its realization and 300 from its disintegration. The masterpiece was in fact dismembered in 1725 in a multitude of precious single portions which later entered the antiquarian and collecting market, then arriving at their current destination in 9 different museums. For the first time an exhibition returns all the existing parts: an extraordinary occasion both from a historical and artistic point of view and a tribute to the city of Bologna where the work was conceived to be destined for the family chapel of Floriano Griffoni in San Petronio.

From 19.5.2020 to 10.01.2021 // Palazzo Fava, Bologna