Impressionist and Modern. Masterworks from The Phillips Collection

Impressionist and Modern. Masterworks from The Phillips Collection

Phillips collection piccolaSilvanaEditoriale 2015
Italian version of both the catalogue and the exhibition panels by Scriptum

Sixty-two paintings from the Phillips Collection, the first American museum of modern art, are on display at the Palazzo delle Esposizioni in Rome. The founder Duncan Phillips, intended the prestigious institution inaugurated in Washington DC in 1921 to become “an intimate and cozy museum, but also home to experiments” in which to present contemporary art alongside famous masterpieces. Today the Phillips Collection is a collection of works of modern and contemporary art appreciated worldwide. On the eve of its hundredth anniversary, the museum has organized a major travelling exhibition during which the Roman public will have the chance to see a part of his rich collection for the first time, at the Palazzo delle Esposizioni in Rome from 16 October 2015 to 14 February 2016.