Avatar - Mondo Mostre Skira 2017 Italian version of the exhibition panels and press material by Scriptum NASA – A Human Adventure (Spazio Ventura, Milan. From 27 September 2017 to 4 March 2018) is the most comprehensive and extensive touring space flight exhibition and one of the...
Read MoreFrom 20 October to 11 February 2018, the Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Antica at Palazzo Barberini is hosting the first ever monographic Arcimboldo exhibition in Rome. ...
Read MoreMondo Mostre Skira 2017 English translation of the exhibition panels by Scriptum Featuring approximately two hundred ukiyo-e works (“images of the floating world”), in the form of polychrome woodblock prints and painted scrolls, the exhibition presents the works of Hokusai, undisputed master of the genre, accompanied by...
Read MoreAt Rome's Palaexpo from 7 October 2017 to 21 January 2018. Curator Paul Gravett from the Barbican charts the manga style as it travels throughout Asia, detailing the changes in its defining myths and themes as it evolves into the multi-platform industry we see today....
Read MoreSkira 2017 English and Italian versions of the catalogue + editing of the exhibition material by Scriptum The exhibition, which will display more than 100 works by the artist, will deepen Picasso's production immediately after the Italian experience, documenting the long-term impact of this trip on its...
Read MoreSkira 2017 Traduction française de Scriptum, Rome Du 7 Avril au 24 Septembre 2017, la Région autonome Vallée d’Aoste propose au Musée Archéologique Régional d'Aoste un parcours expositif structuré sur l’expérience picturale de Giovanni Segantini, l’un des représentants les plus illustres du Divisionnisme, qui a choisi...
Read MoreCastello di Rivoli 2016 Italian version of the catalogue by Scriptum The retrospective devoted to Wael Shawky (Alexandria, Egypt, 1971) at the Castello di Rivoli, curated by Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev, presents a series of films, sculptures and new wooden high-reliefs inspired by the Crusades, narrated from an Arab...
Read MoreQuadriennale di Roma 2016 English version of the catalogue by Scriptum Starting October 2016 the Palazzo delle Esposizioni once again is hosting the Rome Quadriennale. The 16th edition of this important national rendez-vous devoted to Italian art is the result of an agreement between the Fondazione La...
Read MoreSkira 2016 Italian translation of the catalogue and English and Italian translation of the exhibition panels The exhibition is a journey through the career of this outstanding painter, an effervescent intellectual woman with a very strong character. But it is also an in-depth exploration of the exchanges...
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