Goethe et Chateaubriand : regards croisés devant les paysages

Goethe et Chateaubriand : regards croisés devant les paysages

Silvana Editoriale 2018
German and French editing by Scriptum

With this new exhibition, the Maison de Chateaubriand is once more honouring the landscape that was so dear to romanticists, this time via the complementary viewpoints of Chateaubriand and Goethe. We are more familiar with the latter’s literary work, less his pictorial contribution. This original exhibition presents around 50 recently restored drawings by Goethe, portraying the romantic landscapes of Italy, England and Switzerland. The exhibition then continues through the park that Chateaubriand personally shaped like a literary landscape. Domaine Départemental de la Vallée aux Loups – Maison de Chateaubriand, 9/07/18 – 19/08/18.